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        > 产品预订 > 购物服务
        Harfest 荷维式花店

        简介:占地200多平米的生活、花艺、设计的美学空间,包括花店区、饮品咖啡休闲区、VIP 洽谈区、户外花园休闲区等区域。

        You will find Harfest a sweet home to drop by for a bunch of flowers, a sip of coffee, a talk to someone important to you, or a stroll over the garden unsheltered.



        Location: Phoenix Creativity International (A4-2-105)

        Tel: 0086-13605825159

        大众点评: Harfest 荷维式花店

        --> Produced By 大汉网络 大汉版通发布系统