2月21日,美籍华人香港新一代基金会常务理事万萧克玲和她的母亲袁教授一行两人参观了我馆,对我馆的陈列展览赞不绝口,认为我馆在多媒体技术的应用方面世界领先,并且非常看好我馆在湿地保护、研究、教育等方面的工作前景,明确表示一定会在香港和美国大力宣传我馆,争取创造机会与香港及美国的湿地保护组织联系、互动、合作,为中国的湿地保护事业出一份力。万萧克玲在参观完博物馆后还非常认真地写下了一些参观感言及建议,原文如下:First class, I have never seen such an elegant, high tech museum. As you have fine in the future, good English translations of more exhibits would help foreign visitors, and also help teach English to local vistirors. Very impressed. Hope there will be some souvenirs which can be shared with others around the world. Postcards of some of the nature exhibits or a collection of the XiXi birds, as well as the architecture of the museum, could be appreciated by people faraway. Thank you for your hospitality. (我从来没看过这么美和高技术含量的博物馆,非常震撼。有一些小建议:需要有更多和更好的英文翻译为外国友人服务以及国人学习英语之用;需要一些纪念品与世界各地宾客交流用;需要一些包含陈列展品、西溪鸟类、博物馆建筑等信息的明信片。感谢盛情接待!)